AIS Media Serves as Digital Marketing Agency Partner and Sponsor for TABConf 2021
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ATLANTA, GA Sep. 23, 2021 —AIS Media today announced it is pleased to serve as a sponsor and the official digital marketing agency partner for TABConf 2021. TABConf is the Atlanta Bitcoin Conference designed to build communities, provide education, and support developers through the most inclusive, organic Bitcoin event. “I couldn’t be happier […]
New Web Design Trends for Driving Business Growth in 2016

Web design. We’re all familiar with the term but the discipline continues to grow, and evolve, and is now ubiquitous with all things. It’s important to dissect web design trends to see their impact. As web design trends have evolved, designers, marketers, and content developers have needed to address not only new technologies but new […]
SEO Guide: The Science Behind Keyword Selection

Last month we discussed keyword mapping. This month we would like to extend that discussion about how keywords are the driving force behind all effective internet searches. How you rank in Google has become critical to your company’s online success. During “The Science Behind Keyword Selection” webinar, an SEO guide for digital marketing professionals, attendees […]
Forbes Interviews AIS CEO Harpointner Re: "The App For When You Crap"
With the 10 billionth app downloaded from Apple’s App Store and Android developers doing their best to catch up, app makers have to be creative in positioning themselves. Better yet, what they really need to do is identity an entirely new mobile buying constituency like 1-800 Flowers did a few years ago (more on that in a moment). So kudos to AOL on its campaign for its forthcoming Editions app with its, umm, catchy slogan…
Facebook Makes A Splash In The Bathroom
As Facebook, social media and mobile usage continues its explosive growth, AIS Media asked people a rather personal question: do you ever use Facebook on your mobile device while you’re in the bathroom? According to the results, nearly one-third (27 percent) of survey respondents say “yes”.