seo trends

SEO Experts Look into the Future with Top 2020 SEO Trends

The SEO landscape is forever changing and SEO experts are constantly looking ahead for future trends. As each new year approaches, it’s beneficial to brush up on your SEO skills to ensure that you’re up-to-date and your business isn’t falling behind in the competition. What was last year’s top SEO skills and tactics may not be the latest and greatest for the coming year. However, taking a moment to look into that crystal ball and see what’s coming in the future doesn’t have to be challenging to predict. Here, at AIS Media, we have three pieces of advice from our SEO team members to give you the insight you need when it comes to the top 2020 SEO trends.

SEO Experts Urge You to Invest in Organic Videos and Images

One of the top 2020 SEO trends is going organic. Stock images are everywhere and completely overused. It’s pretty obvious when you’re looking at an inauthentic image. Using organic images and videos helps set you apart from the competition establishing your brand and identity. Use real people and real pictures to make your company relatable and trustworthy.

In the last few years video has grown thanks to faster cellphone networks supporting video streaming. The click-through rate on your page is a big SEO factor. Engaging your audience with a video is a fantastic way to relay your message directly.

To take advantage of the organic image and video trend, add videos and images to existing pages that already rank well, but could perform even better. Invest in quality video production equipment or hire an outside company to help.

Track the Right KPIs Not All the KPIs

Another one of our top 2020 SEO trends is choosing your KPIs carefully. If you want to see success with KPIs (key performance indicators) it all comes down to tracking the right KPIs. In the past, it was believed that tracking as many KPIs as possible was the way to measure your success in content marketing. Going forward into 2020, we’re looking at things a little differently.

When it comes to KPIs, you need to find out which ones are the most important to your content and give you the highest improvements. Once you figure those out, outperform yourself on those KPIs to better measure your success rather than stretching yourself across many that may not mean too much for your business.

For instance, is bounce rate an important KPI to you? Bounce rate refers to the number of visitors who view only one page on your site—and then leave. Reasons for a high bounce rate can mean your content is boring, too long, unhelpful, or even not very user-friendly. A good measure of the bounce rate is to keep it below 70%.

While it’s a good idea to measure as many KPIs as you can, it’s even better to track the right ones for your business and make an effort to improve them as best you can. Once you’ve succeeded in a few great KPIs for your business, it’s time to work on the others. This is how you see results.

Optimize Your SEO Research to Fit Voice Search

In the coming years, especially 2020, expect a huge shift in voice search. According to, voice search statistics:

  • 50% of online searches will be done through voice search by 2020.
  • According to Google, 20% of all searches are voice.
  • By 2022, 55% of households are expected to own smart speakers.
  • 30% of all web browsing will be done without a screen by 2020.

Voice search has grown over the past few years, but as one of the 2020 SEO trends it’s going to take off more than ever so if you’re not already optimizing your marketing for voice search, now is the time to start. Don’t let your optimization for voice search become just an afterthought. Instead, consider optimizing from the beginning.

Look at your keyword research. With a keyboard, someone might search “car rental Atlanta.” However, with voice search, they would say “What is the best car rental in Atlanta?” Brainstorming questions people might ask for your targeted keywords is a great way to incorporate voice search optimization.

With voice search, you want your content to be as relevant as possible since voice search only returns one answer based on the best-optimized results. To do this, make sure your pages are easy to crawl and create a sitemap to submit to Google Search Console.

Another good way to optimize is to use structured data markup. This helps you create metadata for your content, so Google knows exactly what it is. Some of the best types of information to identify for Google include products, people, places, events, etc.

Master the 2020 SEO Trends with AIS Media’s SEO Experts

Start 2020 off the right way by partnering with AIS Media for your SEO, PPC, Digital Strategy, and Social Media needs. We’re an award-winning digital marketing agency with over 20 years of experience in B2B and B2C. Don’t let another year go by without taking advantage of the changing tides of digital marketing. Let us help you rise above the competition and take your company straight to the top!

Contact us today at 404-609-0445 for a free consultation with one of our SEO experts.