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SEO Copywriting to Compel and Convert

You’ve probably heard the common phrase, “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink.” Similarly, you can bring customers to your site with on-page SEO, but with SEO copywriting you can get them to convert into paying customers!

It’s important to implement a well-planned on-page SEO strategy. This is how Google will show your site to searchers. But once they get to your site, it’s up to you to make the conversion. This is where SEO copywriting comes in.

If a user find your site in the search engine results pages (SERPs) and is compelled enough by your well-optimized page title and meta description to click, but then they get to the page and either don’t find the information they were looking for, or don’t know what to do after reading your content, they are likely to leave and go buy somewhere else. By including compelling content on your site with a clear call-to-action, you can increase your conversions.

There are a variety of ways to make your content more compelling. Some of the methods we’ve used and seen work are:

Captivating Headlines: Writing headings that intrigue your readers is the first step to crafting compelling copy. Give them enough information to be interested, but not enough that they can quit reading right away. Using numbers is a great way to pique a reader’s interest.

Secondary Keywords: With proper on-page SEO you’ve used your primary keyword in your page title, meta description, and a handful of times throughout your content. With SEO copywriting, you can include secondary keywords that are related to your topic, but are perhaps less searched.

Internal Links: Include links to other pages on your site that have related content your users are likely to be interested in. This helps lower your bounce rate (people who land on your page, read your content, and then leave without visiting another page) and it shows Google how this page is related to other pages on your site.

Up-to-Date SEO Writing: It’s important to keep up with the latest developments in SEO copywriting techniques and best practices. You may remember in the past when keyword stuffing was popular. Writers would include their primary keyword as many times as possible and although this helped Google identify what the page was about, it was awkward for users to read and decreased credibility. Now, Google is more concerned with giving the users what they want, and that isn’t keyword stuffing.

Copy Structure: Nobody likes landing on a webpage and seeing one huge block of text. That’s practically guaranteeing that they will bounce right away without reading a word. Break up blocks of text with subheadings, bullets, graphics, quotes, or other visual elements.

Testimonials and Reviews: Including testimonials, reviews, and quotes from satisfied customers proves to new readers that your product or service is of value to them. Make it clear to your readers why they should buy from you.

Flow: Compelling SEO copywriting avoids repetition too much and offers readers new information in every paragraph. Make sure that your message is clear and natural sounding, while also including your keywords.

Content Length: This is another aspect of SEO copywriting that has changed over time. In the early days, 250 words was considered long enough. Then it jumped to 300, then to 500 words being the minimum. In the past couple of years we’ve started seeing big changes in content length. It is now more common to see pages with a minimum of 1,000 words, and many pages are even longer with 2,000 to 2,500 words.

SEO copywriting has certainly changed over the years, and it’s important to keep up-to-date with what Google wants to show users. If you could benefit from the expert eyes of an SEO copywriter, please contact AIS Media at 404-751-1043 or reach out online for a free SEO consultation!

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