AIS Media SEO Services Drive 133 Percent Increase in B2B Leads in 6 Months for Product Design Firm

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Client Success Story

“Partnering with AIS Media for SEO services has been, hands-down, one of the best decisions I’ve made for my business.”

The results found in this client success story WON the Landy Award in the 2018 Search Engine Land Awards for Best B2B Search Marketing Initiative – SEO.

UPDATED: The results in this client success story also WON Best B2B SEO Campaign from The Drum Awards 2018.

Atlanta-based innovative product design firm, Thrive, has a two-month buyer cycle. Being visible to the right buyer at the right time often required several touch points in order to remain top of mind.

Although Thrive was receiving thousands of engaged users per month, their website wasn’t meeting its primary objective: conversions. Despite driving traffic, the site’s conversion rate was low, suggesting a major disconnect between site users and conversion intention. They partnered with an SEO agency that would effectively optimize their website to increase conversions.

The Outcome: Six months into their SEO program, Thrive’s 40% increase in high-intent keyword rankings delivered a 126% boost in organic site traffic, and 133% more web leads than previous years.

Page #1 Google Rankings
+ 0 %
Organic Site Traffic
+ 0 %
Web Leads Generated from Organic Search
+ 0 %
Client Feedback
“Partnering with AIS Media for SEO services has been, hands-down, one of the best decision I’ve made for my business.”
Jonathan-Dalton-Thrive-CEO-and-Co-founder works with AIS Media Digital Marketing Agency
Jonathan Dalton
CEO and Co-founder of Thrive
Our Action Plan

To meet Thrive’s business goals, SEO agency AIS Media restructured the Thrive website to cater to their users, connected by high-intent keywords. Within the first 30 days, we developed a two-prong keyword strategy broken into two personas: “Validators” and “Problem Solvers”.

A Tale of Two Audiences

“Validators” already knew the specific services they required. They needed to determine which B2B partner would be best for their needs. The most effective keywords to reach them would follow “product design company”, “industrial design company”, and “customer experience company”.

Thrive’s “Problem Solvers” spend time thinking about business operations or technology inefficiencies that are costing their company high dollar amounts. Their search behavior is more knowledge seeking, using high volume keywords such as “product optimization”, “industrial product design”, and “product design development”.

Building a Website for Users

Once we determined keywords for this two-pronged strategy, we mapped the site to nurture ranking growth and benefit user flow.

We guided Thrive through a revision of their home page, with the intent of directing traffic between two distinct target audiences. We segmented the needs of each audience by developing content headed under “Show me…” and “I have a problem related to…”

The “Validators” persona would opt for “Show me”, which included key validating points, such as case study work for other clients, expertise areas, and the Thrive staff page. We also developed additional landing pages optimized for each keyword that “Validators” would use to search for a B2B partner.

Thrive had a history of publishing high-quality thought leadership articles, which resonated well with external publications in the innovation sector. We leveraged new and existing publications to support organic growth through keyword-targeted SEO link building.

From the home page, “Problem Solvers” were more likely to select “I have a problem related to…” and start their education through Thrive’s expertise areas and thought leadership. Thrive’s content needs to resonate with “Problem Solvers” in order to give them the confidence that Thrive has the tools to identify and fix problems specific to their business.

According to Jon Dalton, CEO at Thrive, their organic leads helped secure major client deals in their first year working with AIS Media. Therefore, the increase in organic leads translated to success in furthering Thrive’s business goals.

Results We Achieved

Page 1 Rankings

“Partnering with AIS Media for SEO services has been one of the best decisions I’ve made for my business.” 7 Page 1 Rankings

After 90 days, Thrive was easily found on Google page #1 organic search results. In the first six months of working with AIS Media, Thrive ranked for 40% more high-intent keywords, driving organic traffic that was more likely to convert.

Organic Traffic Percentage Increase

“Partnering with AIS Media for SEO services has been one of the best decisions I’ve made for my business.” Organic Traffic 7 Percentage Increase

Optimization through technical SEO and content delivered more organic traffic to the website than ever before. After six months into the program, Thrive had an organic traffic increase of 126% more than the previous year, becoming the primary channel of web traffic (at 70%).

Continued optimization of new opportunity keywords allows for the site to continue growing organic traffic month-over-month.

Web Leads from Organic Search Percentage Increase

“Partnering with AIS Media for SEO services has been one of the best decisions I’ve made for my business.” Web Leads from Organic Search 7 Percentage Increase

With the site more visible under high-intent keyword searches, organic search impacted the site by delivering quality conversions. In six months, the SEO program had delivered 133% more web leads than previous years.

About AIS Media

SEO company, AIS Media, has been ranked as a Top SEO, Digital, and Social Media Marketing Agency by and among the “Top 1% of digital marketing agencies in the U.S.” by UpCity. AIS Media has been recognized with nearly 80 digital marketing awards in the last eight years.

With extensive experience in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Content Development, Digital StrategyPay-Per-Click (PPC), and Social Media Marketing, AIS Media specializes in managing B2B and B2C digital marketing campaigns to consistently deliver measurable results that help businesses reach their desired outcomes.

Contact us today for a complimentary digital marketing consultation.

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