In a Relationship with SEO

In a Relationship with SEO Agency

Starting an SEO program is a lot like starting a relationship. But, when you find the right SEO company, it’s like finding “The One”.

What an SEO Agency Can Do for You: the SEO Hierarchy of Needs

The SEO Agency Hierarchy of Needs

Maslo’s hierarchy of needs categorizes human needs into layers on a pyramid-shaped chart: from your basic survival needs at the base, all the way up to self-actualization at the top. While your website’s SEO needs are not quite as critical, an SEO agency can do a lot for your business to help it thrive online: […]

AIS Media Hosts the Fall HumpDay Mixer 2017

HumpDay Mixer

Fall is in the air, and AIS Media kicked off the season right with an exciting HumpDay Mixer, a fun after-work social, occasionally held on Wednesdays, where professionals mingle and support great causes. The event was founded by AIS Media, Inc. CEO, Thomas Harpointner, and is successfully organized through partnerships with prominent social clubs, businesses, […]

5 Ways to Improve Your SEO Content Writing

seo content writing development

SEO content writing. Whether it’s copy and images, PDFs, or whitepapers, it’s the one thing that all websites need in order to attract visitors. It’s also the one thing that everyone thinks they can do on their own. After all, how hard is it to write a few hundred words or load an image to […]

5 Steps to Boost SEO Rank and Get More Customers

Need more customers? Getting your business found on search engines by your target customers at the precise moment they’re searching for what you offer is one of the most effective ways to drive site traffic and revenue growth. Research proves that 89.92% of people click on links on the first page of Google search results. Competition for […]

PPC and SEO Services Work Better Together

SEO PPC Services; SEO PPC agency, seo ppc management

Many marketers see PPC and SEO services as two separate strategies, yet they share the very same goal: drive quality traffic to your website. Combining effective SEO PPC management ensures increased online exposure to your target audience, leading to a boost in conversions of almost 200%, according to Search Engine Watch. The most powerful website traffic-generating approaches are organic and paid […]

Practical SEO Trends and Key Takeaways From Previous Years

SEO Trends 2016

With all of the recent Google algorithm changes, our search marketing team at AIS Media would like to recap the past few years’ top SEO trends as well as offer a look into the future. SEO Trends In Review: The Mobile-Friendly Algorithm Update Quite possibly the most widely-discussed SEO factor shift of the past several […]

SEO Trends for 2017: Why Voice Search and Mobile Could Be Big

SEO Trends 2017 Voice Search Mobile

Google is forever changing the SEO landscape with features like Voice Search, Accelerated Mobile Pages, and Machine Learning/Google Rank Brain. How will this impact SEO in 2017 and beyond? What are the key emerging SEO trends? And what’s the impact on mobile and the digital marketing funnel? As part of our continued commitment to provide […]

AIS Media Talks Digital Marketing Innovation on Business Radio X

Atlanta Digital Marketing Agency - AIS Media, Inc.

If your company has decided to engage in SEO, then you’ve taken a big step toward increasing your web traffic, increasing leads and sales, and making your web presence much stronger. SEO services are a powerful force in the marketing world, but there are lots of things to consider once you’ve decided to take that […]

SEO Services Help Atlanta Deck Builder Achieve Record-Breaking Year

Atlanta SEO services

Is there a direct correlation between increased Google page #1 SEO rankings, site traffic and conversions? For Atlanta Decking and Fence, January – June represents high season. To prepare, our SEO team started a robust program of Atlanta SEO services in October. We identified and optimized the website around the highest-value keywords — those with the […]

AIS Media Hosts SEO Strategy Interview Series on Business Radio X

Business Radio X AIS Media

SEO strategy represents one of a company’s best possibilities for driving new traffic and customers, enabling potential customers to find services faster than ever. Research has shown that 89.92% of people click on links of the first Google results page. However, competition for those first-page listings is fierce. On top of that, Google’s algorithms are complex […]

Is Google’s Latest Update Dealing a Deathblow to SEO?

SEO Tactics | AIS Media, Inc.

A great website that doesn’t rank high on search engines is like a magic trick in the dark. Research shows that 89.82% of people click on links on the first page of search engines. If your site is listed on page two, three, or worse, your higher-ranked competitors are capturing the majority of your potential […]

Our SEO Company Boosted Google Page #1 SEO Rankings 750%

SEO Performance Growth - Dental Practice | AIS Media, Inc.

FUNtastic Dental and Orthodontics wanted to dramatically increase the volume of patients at its Long Beach, CA practice. FUNtastic Dental founder, Dr. Stella, recognized that parents today primarily use search engines to research and find new doctors. However, the FUNtastic website was receiving virtually no traffic from search engines. So, Dr. Stella called AIS Media, […]

Search Marketing Success Blueprint

Search Marketing Success

Search marketing is at the top of the list when it comes to emerging digital trends. The search marketing success blueprint presentation focused on how to use our Atlanta SEO services to increase opportunities for marketers. Atlanta SEO Services Achieve Atlanta Search Marketing Success in a 5-Step Plan 1. Effective Strategy Development Plan out your […]